augusta greenjackets

north augusta, south caroloina


srp park preliminary design


srp park

client:  augusta greenjackets

division:  MiLB Single a

conference:  carolina league

scope:  4,800 seats

cost:  $35,000,000

aor:  m p s

services provided: 

  • sports design

  • architecture

  • planning

concept sketch


Working with the GreenJackets ownership team, Mr Einhorn led design for the new ballpark concept which took cues from the GreenJackets former parent club’s San Fransico Giants ballpark with its similar juxtaposition and engagement of adjacent water.  The concept design for former ownership group of the Augusta GreenJackets included all the complete ballpark program elements. 

key Components:

  • seating bowl

  • press box

  • club seating

  • suite seating

  • concessions

  • toilets

  • team training facility

related project:

univeRSITY OF caliFORNIA riverside


related project:

loyola univerisity chicago


*eric j einhorn was lead designer for the latham baseball stadium phase ii expansion WHILE EMPLOYED AS DIRECTOR OF SPORTS ARCHITECTURE WITH ANOTHER FIRM; m p s
(see legal)